

I'm Flo, the maker behind FloMade and FloMadeMourning. I've been creating art about grief and death since 2016. I want my work to be an invitation for you to look at your own fears and beliefs about death and loss. I am an advocate of planning for your 'good' death, of home funerals, and of natural burial and recomposition. I want to create little art pieces that spark meaningful conversations about your hopes, fears and curiosities around death and dying. I feel these desires very keenly. I feel deep love and deep sadness around the death of my father. I carry that experience around inside of me and it is the seed of my interest in how we die and how we support the dying. In how we grieve and support and recognize grieving. I do this because of this universal truth...everybody dies. Should I live long enough, I will lose more people that I love. I want to prepare myself for these future griefs, though I know that I can't. I want to step into the dark and let my eyes adjust so that I can feel safer there. I want to make peace with my own mortality.

I live in a wee red house in a big green field. I read avidly, walk daily and marvel at the natural world and all of her gifts. I am entirely self taught and love learning by doing, sewing, embroidering, writing and reveling in domesticity. I share my life with one temperamental cat and my beloved spouse, who is in love with our land and the many gardens she cultivates on it. She is so fiercely adored by me that I am always contemplating the good death I hope she will experience, and where I can bury her body on our property (if she pre deceases me, of course). Thankfully, this does not terrify her. We share the land with several hives of bees, deer, foxes, countless birds and a (not so) feral cat colony.