Penelope's shadowbox is made of wood and measures 5.5" x 4". It sits prettily on any flat surface. It features an oval antique cabinet card photo of a woman, which rests on the same dotted fabric that Penelope's poppet wears. It is embellished with a silver hand charm, vintage floral charms, and silver thread.
This shadowbox comes with Penelope's story handwritten by me with a dip pen and black ink.
Penelope was so bitter
that from birth she bore a grudge
She felt a tad superior
And acted as a judge
The men she met were foolish
the men she met were rude
she dreamt of a life free of them
in quiet interludes
One day she pushed a fellow
so he tumbled down some stairs
she took great pride in doing so
with such relish and such flair
She found herself emboldened
and took a fierce delight
in the ceasing of their opinions
when pushed from a great height