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Patience's shadowbox is a black painted wood and measures 5.5" x 4". It sits prettily on any flat surface. It features an antique tintype photo of a woman, embellished with deep red embroidery floss, a hand charm, a moonstone, and a mandala. There is a red french knot at her heart and the red floss holds her knitting needles. The four corners have decorative corner covers on them.
This shadowbox comes with Patience's story handwritten by me with a dip pen and black ink.
Patience was an innocent, her lover was a rogue
Seduced and brought to womanhood
then marriage, she supposed.
But Patience was mistaken, her lover turned his back
and with a baby on the way her life had gone off track
He refused to hear her pleas, he was cold in the face of her tears
So she took her knitting needle, and stabbed him through the ear.