Loneliness learned to hold herself. She spoke to silence and when she slept, she curled herself around empty space.
Loneliness wears a black bodice with puffed sleeves and gray lace at her collar and cuffs. Her gray lace represents half-mourning, traditionally observed for the 6 months beyond the First Year of Full Mourning. I chose to put her in Half Mourning as a reminder that there is no time line for Grief. Her skirt features an overlay of dotted tulle, trimmed at the bottom with more gray lace. Her hat is a small crochet piece, hand sewn with the same dotted tulle as her skirt. Her arms are folded as she holds herself for comfort. Loneliness comes with a wee handmade hand embroidered linen hankie of my choosing.
Loneliness was made in my smoke free, one cat household. She is made of cotton muslin and fiberfill. I made her and her clothing using a combination of machine and hand stitching. Her hair is wool. Her knees and elbows bend. She is 22" tall.