Life and Death, Grief and Mourning

  • Anatomy of Grief Shadowbox

    The heart of the Cortege Collection resides in the complexity of Grief. I chose the words of 12 Mourners to create this Shadowbox, as well as the P...
  • Caged Mourner Piece

    Mourning was once observed with such rigidity that one had no option but to comply with its rules. There were booklets dedicated to the subtleties ...
  • About Mourning Poppets

    As a Mortal, I know that I will die. We all will. And as long as we live, we will likely experience the deaths of people that we love. Even as some...
  • The Cotège Collection

    I recently asked you, dear hearts, to describe your grief. To use just one word that captures its keenest embodiment in you. Your responses are at ...
  • Hedge Witch Poppets

    I recently read the lovely book Once And Future Witches (which I highly recommend). It made me think about all of the different types of women who ...
  • The Wives

    The Wives collection springs from my fascination with the Tudor period. Obviously, it is one that so many of us share. The life and loves of King H...
  • Let's call them Poppets

    I believe in the alchemical magic of transformation that exists in creativity. Any time we create we are making magic. I transform cloth into what ...
  • A Thank You from the Murderesses and I

    I've absolutely loved learning about the lives of these dynamic women. Women who've been thwarted in love, betrayed, impoverished and who were dead...
  • My Father's Death

    My father died when I was 14, right there in the living room of our home. This didn't come as a surprise to us, as he had been dying of cancer for ...
  • My Mother's Death

    As a girl, my mother seemed vast and distant to me. A far off place that felt unreachable. When we were alone together there was an unsettling abse...
  • The Poison Garden Fae

    What kind of Faerie would live in this garden, where the air itself was dangerous? I imagined her wild and spare, nearly naked, her skin tart and green like a very young apple, bitterness and beauty. She would blend in with foliage and shadows, slipping between the hellebore and fawn lilies.
  • Our 10th Murderess, Grace Marks

    Grace Marks' story is so much more involved than this little blog post would allow. I highly recommend reading Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. The ...